Welcome to First Christian Church. I’m so glad you are here today.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and some very special times with family and friends as you celebrated the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
It’s in His name and in His honor we gather again this weekend. Every Sunday the church gathers on the first day of week as a reminder that we have chosen to follow the only one that has ever conquered the grave. We follow Him because He promised that all who live and believe in Him would live even though they would die. His gift He offers as many as would believe is the gift of eternal life.
As the year 2014 approaches conclusion our day of worship will be filled with music, the reading of scripture and a time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus provided for the payment of our sins.
I hope our time together today will create an opportunity for you celebrate the blessings of God in your life throughout this past calendar year and an opportunity to praise Him for how He sustained you through days that were tough.
I hope our time together today will create time for you to connect with God and for you to humble your heart before Him in genuine, sincere and honest reflection of your own relationship with Him.
I hope you will leave this place encouraged and determined to prioritize the most important and eternal things in your life as you head into the New Year.
Thank you, First Christian Church for inviting me to lead this household of faith. God has blessed us in so many ways in the last half of 2014.
We have so much to look forward to in 2015 and so much more to accomplish.
God bless all of you! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Pastor Randy